Friday, December 4, 2009

A girl after my own heart

So Chloe really loves to put things in her mouth. Normal baby. She really loves to put shiny metal things in her mouth, silverware, watches, necklaces. A few weeks ago we went out to lunch with my Dad and Mom and Uncle Ben. Ben was finished eating and holding Chloe on his lap and this is what happened. . .

Yep, that's right, she is eating salt. She is her mother's daughter. OK OK, she is not eating the salt, just the lid that is shiny and silver.

This is a picture of Grandpa helping her opening her first present. Thanks Aunt Tricia for the Christmas book.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009


Chloe was Minnie Mouse for Halloween. I know I am a little slow at getting this posted. But here are a couple pictures of her all dressed up.

I also got another video of her walking, it has been a few weeks since the last one, and she is walking a lot better now. She doesn't crawl very often anymore, it is mostly walking with a few falls in between.

Not much else has happened or is going on. Just work in the mornings and come home and play with my little cutie.

Thursday, October 22, 2009


So some people in my family think that it is a race to see who walks first, Lincoln or Chloe. But it is one race that both Elizabeth and I hope the other one wins. I know right now, they are about at the same place, taking a few steps. Go Lincoln go!!

Anyways, the last time Tricia was home Chloe was tarting to stand on her own. She asked me when Chloe started walking if I would take a video and put it on the blog. Well, it isn't exactly walking, just a taking a few steps. Usually it is just a few steps and the she falls, like below.

But sometimes, if she is going towards something she wants, she will take a few more. (Don't pay attention to the paper towel she is stepping on. There have been a lot of Box Elder bugs in my house and that night I had to keep something handy in case I saw one low enough for me to get, and Chloe had just pulled it down from the couch.)

Tuesday, October 6, 2009


Lydia came up to Utah with some of Andy's family. We got to go out to lunch with Grandma, Aunt Jane and Daniel. Here are a couple pictures of Lydia, Grandma and Chloe.

Thursday, September 24, 2009


I have taken a few pictures of Chloe in the last few week. Here are a couple of them.

Yes in a couple of them, she is standing on her own. She can do that for about 15 to 20 seconds on her own before she catches herself or falls. In this last one, she got so tired that when Christophe picked her up, she fell asleep. (Yes she drools a ton!!)

Tuesday, September 1, 2009


Chloe is such a big stinker. We are trying to get her used to her crib, so she will sleep in there at night. Yesterday, while Christophe was in there she did this. . .

We knew she could stand herself up, but this is the first time that she climbed up the bumper to make herself higher. So you say it is time to lower my crib, it is already on the lowest setting. And just now as I am writing this, she found a small crack between the couch and the wall and started crawling through it, and got stuck and started fussing. My cute stinker is exploring a lot more lately.

This is just a video of her crawling a few days ago.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

5 1/2 months and crawling

Chloe has been trying to figure out crawling for a few weeks. She would get on her hands and knees and move her knees, but kept her hands on the ground. The last few days she has started moving her hands, but kept her knees where they were. But last night she figured out she had to do them both together. It was a slow and thoughtful crawl, but she did it. Help me!

Earlier this week, we went to Kiddie Kandids and got Chloe's picture taken for my mom and Christophe's mom's birthdays. I couldn't wait for their actual birthdays to give them there picture though. Below are the picture that we got.

Thursday, June 25, 2009


Chloe went into her 4 month appointment yesterday. She is now 11 lbs 1 ounce and 23 inches long. So she is still little but is getting bigger.

Monday, June 1, 2009


Yesterday we blessed Chloe. It was really nice. Thanks to all the family and friends that came. It was a really nice day.

Here is Chloe and William playing after church. I looks like Chloe had the cooler toys to play with, sorry William.


So Christophe finally found a job (YAY!!!) that started a month ago, I know I'm a little slow at posting this. He works for TruGreen, it is a lawn care place. He goes door to door to sale the service. The week before he started I went back to work. I had to work full time that week, but from then on, I got to go part time. Which works out perfectly, almost. I go to work from 8:00 to about 11:40 and Christophe works 11:50 to 9:00 Monday through Thursday and 9:00 to 6:00 on Fridays. So once I am off work, I meet him at his work and we switch cars and I go home with Chloe. It is nice only having to worry about finding someone to watch Chloe 1 day a week for just a few hours. If I had to work to pay for daycare, I don't think I could make myself go work. It has been very nice so far because we have had either family or friends be able to watch her. And Christophe's mom is planning on watching her for most Fridays for the rest of the summer. Family is great!!

Friday, May 22, 2009


I get a lot of good smiles everyday now, but whenever I pull out my phone to take a picture, Chloe stops smiling. So here are a couple half smiles that I have been able to capture.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

2 Months

I can't believe that Chloe will be 2 months old tomorrow. It is kind of crazy. Here are a couple of cute pictures that Christophe took on his phone. I love the second one. She has started to smile, but I haven't gotten it on camera yet. . .

Sunday, March 29, 2009


Today is Christophe and Ian's birthday. Jenny, her family, Matt, his family and Daniel all came to Mom and Dad's to celebrate. We had pizza, cupcakes and ice cream. Then Ian opened his presents. While the kids where playing with the new toys, the adults either went down stairs to watch basketball or stayed upstairs and played Trivial Pursuit on the Xbox. We had a lot of fun. We then compared Chloe and William. William is a little bigger, but they are close in size. Here are a couple picture of them.

This next picture is of Chloe in her Sunday dress last week. I just think she was so cute in it, but I'm not biased or anything.

Bye Roxy

Last week Christophe finally agreed that we needed to give Roxy away. We just didn't spend enough time with her. She was a good dog, but all she wanted to do was play, chew whatever came into her mouth, and make messes. Needing to play isn't a bad thing, but with a new baby, neither one of us played with her very much. So we gave her away. We hope that with her new family she will have all the play time she needs. Goodbye Roxy!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

OK Tricia. Here are some more pictures.

I like this first one because she has her eyes open.

I just love this one.
This was the dress she wore to church last Sunday.
I know this one is kinda blurry, but I like how she is kinda looking at the camera.

You can't really tell by the picture, but she was wedged in between blankets.
I just loved how she was holding her binki. The only problem when she does that, is when she moves her hand, she pulls out the binki.