Thursday, June 10, 2010


So it has been awhile. I have a few pictures I was going to post right after the last post, but I never got to it. They are of Chloe climbing into things.

She is a crazy climber now. The other day, she was playing in her room and it was queit for too long, so I went in there and as I am walking in, she is climbing down into her crib. She had climb onto the love seat we have next to her crib, the to the arm of the loveseat, then onto her crib and down. CRAZY!! A few days after that, I caught her on her changing table. She had climbed onto the toys the climbed the rest of the way up to the top. The toys are no longer next to the changing table. She still tries to climb up, but can't do it anymore.

A little over a month ago, Chloe got her first tooth. She now has her two front teeth.

The last few days, if I leave my shoes out, Chloe likes to put one on and walk around with it. She wouldn't look at me, so I didn't get a very good picture, but I'll give you what I got.