Thursday, October 22, 2009


So some people in my family think that it is a race to see who walks first, Lincoln or Chloe. But it is one race that both Elizabeth and I hope the other one wins. I know right now, they are about at the same place, taking a few steps. Go Lincoln go!!

Anyways, the last time Tricia was home Chloe was tarting to stand on her own. She asked me when Chloe started walking if I would take a video and put it on the blog. Well, it isn't exactly walking, just a taking a few steps. Usually it is just a few steps and the she falls, like below.

But sometimes, if she is going towards something she wants, she will take a few more. (Don't pay attention to the paper towel she is stepping on. There have been a lot of Box Elder bugs in my house and that night I had to keep something handy in case I saw one low enough for me to get, and Chloe had just pulled it down from the couch.)

Tuesday, October 6, 2009


Lydia came up to Utah with some of Andy's family. We got to go out to lunch with Grandma, Aunt Jane and Daniel. Here are a couple pictures of Lydia, Grandma and Chloe.