Saturday, September 27, 2008

I'm having a ...

Girl. A little girl. My baby is measuring about 6 days small, but they are keeping my due date the same. It was so cool to get the ultrasound. To actually be able to see that is a real baby inside of me. While the ultrasound technician was trying to get a picture of her head, my girl wouldn't stay still long enough to get a picture. And Christophe made the comment that she is as stubborn as I am. Really? Me stubborn? It doesn't run in the family or anything. . .
Here are a couple more pictures that were taken. She had her hand above her head and they got a picture of her hand, but it didn't really work taking a picture of that picture. So I didn't add that one.
This is another one of my favorites. It is of her feet, and they are crossed at the ankle.


Life's Adventures said...

Becky. We're so excited for you & Christophe to have a daughter. What a great time to be pregnant. Congrats !!!
Luv, Aunt Shari & Uncle Jerry

Jan said...

Congrats on having a girl!

Anonymous said...

I'm so excited for the girl, Beck! Of course I would be excited with a boy too. But - I love having more girls. Now we need both Jenny & Tina to be having girls and we're even Steven again!

Julie said...

Congratulations!! May the rest of the pregnancy go perfectly well.

Angie said...

I know I am really behind on commenting. (I have been slacking off - sorry) but CONGRATS on the baby girl! It will be fun to have another girl in the extended family full of boys! Yay for girls!