Saturday, May 3, 2008

10 good things

So Mary tagged me to do this post, Thanks Mary.  It is 10 good things about my life.  However like Mary, I am not so good about sharing my feelings, so it won't be a very deep and emotional post. So here we go, in no particular order.

1.  Christophe.  He is the love of my life and treats me so well.  Even when stupid birth control makes me illogical and stupid, he talks to me and helps me not be so crazy.  He even has gotten my hopes up that we will get out of Utah.  He suggested that we go down to AZ, and while we are there, to look at houses to buy.  Though we don't know when this trip will happen, everyone at his work already has time off through July, but I am hoping we can squeeze it in sometime in June.

2.  The Pill,  or the not taking it part.  While I was taking "the pill" I was an emotional wreck.  Which happened very rarely while not on the pill and a lot more while on.  So I am happy to say that I am not taking it and hoping that my emotions will turn back to normal and that I will lose the weight I put on while on it as well.  Side note that I stopped taking the pill not to get pregnant, but to get rid of the stupid side effects.

3.  My Family. I love my family, they are my best friends.  I know I can go to them with anything and they will do what they can to help me.  I don't know where I would be without them. 

4.  My In-laws.  I have gotten very lucky with my in-laws.  They are super nice to me and love me.  Growing up I was always scared that I would get the nasty in-laws that you never want to see or talk to. I am so grateful that I have nice down to earth ones.

5.  My Job.  Now I don't like working, but I have to be grateful that I have a job.  The way the market is now, there is a lot of people being laid off in other title companies.  My company hasn't had the layoffs that the others have though.  We have had people quit and one person get fire, but it we haven't had anyone laid off since last fall.

6.  Saturday.  I love Saturdays.  It is my one day that I don't have to be anywhere and I get to sleep in.  I love having this day to relax and sometimes go no where.  

7.  Vacations.  I love being able to get up and go.  Disneyland was great and I can't wait to go again.  We are having a mini girls vacation in June and a big family vacation in July. I am so excited for these.

8.  Flying.  I love being able to fly places and not having to drive.  I love that it takes an hour and a half to fly somewhere that would take you 12 hours to drive.  

9.  My car.  My car is such a great car.  In the 4 1/2 years that I have had it, I have only had to take it in to get fixed once.  It is a great little car that has great pick up, a must in a car.  And to top it off, it will be paid off in October. YEAH!!!

10.  Last but definitely not least, SUMMER.  I am so excited for it to be summer and hot.  Some of you probably  think I am crazy that I want to move to the heat of Arizona, but I do.  I am so sick of the stupid weather of Utah and the fact that it snowed on Thursday, which was May 1st.  Are you kidding me?  I love the sun and want it to come out and stay already.  

Well I made it through.  So now I get to tag Tricia, Jane, and Elizabeth.


Jolene said...

I don't think you are crazy to want to move to AZ. That is where we are moving too. I would much rather live in the heat than the cold.

Anonymous said...

Cute Girl! I loved reading this. Congrats about being off birth control. I hope you start to feel back to normal soon. ps - and a little baby would be great too...hint...hint.

Jan said...

I hate "the pill" too. It makes me a crazy women. I love my IUD.

Carol said...

That is a great list! I loved reading about you!! You are so cute. Always have been!!

elizabeth said...

I read this about a week ago but with everything I just didn't comment. I think these are great Funny and insightful. I am glad you did those in no particular order though, because the pill should never come before family, well o.k. maybe only in some instances.

Julie said...

It has been fun to catch up with your blog. I think you have been able to do such fun things. It was nice to see you last week. Being a girl is bad enough -adding hormones to it is just nasty! I hope you are feeling more like yourself. :)